Jackie is an infectious disease epidemiologist, who specialises in malaria and vector-borne diseases. She is currently Deputy Director of the International Statistics and Epidemiology Group and she previously co-directed the LSHTM Malaria Centre between 2022 and 2024. Her research currently focuses on vector control trials, generating evidence that impact WHO policy regarding interventions and help national malaria control programmes prioritise which interventions to invest in. She also has expertise in malaria transmission dynamics, particularly in low transmission settings, and immunoepidemiology.
Jackie has collaborators across the globe, and has worked particularly closely with institutions in Tanzania, where she spent 3 years based in Zanzibar, and across West Africa. Her work includes leading large cluster randomised control trials evaluating novel vector control tools and strategies, developing better methods for trials and examining heterogeneity of malaria transmission.
Jackie co-organises and teaches on Basic Epidemiology, the largest MSc module at LSHTM. She also teaches on a number of other MSc modules, including Malaria: from science to policy and practice, Applied Communicable Disease Control and Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases. She has previously taught on Extended Epidemiology, Vector Biology and Vector Parasite Interactions and Analysis and Design of Research Studies. She additionally teaches on the Travel Medicine short-course and the Introductory Course for Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, which she co-organised for 6 years between 2015-2021. She co-hosts the annual Malaria session for the Global Health Lecture Series.
Jackie is a tutor on the MSc Epidemiology.
Jackie's research primarily focuses on interventions for vector borne diseases, particularly malaria. Her portfolio includes multiple large cluster randomised control trials evaluating novel tools or strategies, including next-generation nets, EaveTubes and screening, targeted Indoor Residual Spraying and insecticide treated wall-liners. Results from several trials have fed into WHO policy. She is PI on a grant investigating the impact of heterogeneity in outcomes on cluster randomised trials. She co-led on a network of researchers and implementors working towards malaria elimination in several West African settings.